
Skagit Valley / Wrangel Island Snow Goose (aggregated per 1-degree cell)

Последняя версия опубликована OBIS-SEAMAP 24 апреля 2021 г. OBIS-SEAMAP
Дата публикации:
24 апреля 2021 г.
Published by:
CC-BY-NC 4.0

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Original provider: Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife Dataset credits: Data provider WA Dept of Fish & Wildlife Waterfowl Originating data center Satellite Tracking and Analysis Tool (STAT) Abstract: The Northern Puget Sound (NPS) wintering population of lesser snow geese occurs in the Skagit and Fraser Deltas along the western border between the United States and Canada. This population of snow geese have traditionally used very discrete estuary and agricultural habitats associated with Skagit and Port Susan Bays.

The breeding grounds of this population are on Wrangel Island, Russia. Because Wrangel Island snow geese represent the last major snow goose population breeding in Asia, and the primary Russian goose population that winters in North America, it is a high priority for the Pacific Flyway and the subject of long standing international cooperative management and conservation. Data collected since the early 1970s on Wrangel Island indicates that the population has grown in abundance, become younger, and changed its behavior relative to traditional habitat and resources. These population changes have become more apparent since the early 1990s and appear to be in response to warmer spring conditions, earlier snowmelt, and changes in the predator community on Wrangel Island. Some of these changes are also evident in the NPS wintering population where the total overwintering population size has increased.

The objectives of this project are to examine the current relationship of the NPS population to other Pacific flyway use areas. This will include documentation of migration routes, phenology, staging areas, and stopover locations throughout the flyway. Particular questions that we hope to answer include:
- When do geese depart and return to NPS during spring and fall migration?
- Where are important flyway use areas during migration?
- When and how long do geese use areas along migration routes?
- Document inter and/or intra-year interchange among NPS and other wintering areas.
- Do some geese that use NPS move to other locations within the flyway during the same winter or among different years?
- If NPS geese are moving to other locations, what is the timing of emigration and potential return to NPS?

The transmitters are programed to transmit for three years.

WDFW Biologist Roozen and Technicians Anderson, Deyo, and Otto were instrumental in the successful snow goose captures - without their untiring efforts and perseverance through poor weather conditions, deployment of the full sample of transmitters would not have been possible. We are especially grateful to Dr. Scott Ford of Avian Specialty Veterinary Services for his expertise and exceptional work with the transmitter implant procedures, and to WDFW Technician Deyo and Vet-Tech Yana Podobedova who assisted Dr. Ford with many of the procedures. We are also indebted to WDFW Waterfowl Section Manager Kraege for his support for this project; it is because of his efforts that project was able to take flight. We are grateful to the WDFW staff at the Skagit Wildlife Area for their continued support during our capture efforts. We would like to thank M. Axelson for caring for one of the geese that was unable to fly immediately after the capture - this goose quickly recovered and was able to take flight. Vasiliy Baranyuk provided flock sighting information which assisted us in determining where to focus capture efforts. We are also extremely grateful to the many landowners who were gracious in granting access to their lands.

Project PI's-
Joe Evenson - WDFW Waterfowl Survey and Sea Duck Specialist
Chris Danilson - WDFW District Biologist Supplemental information: Visit STAT's project page for additional information. This dataset is a summarized representation of the telemetry locations aggregated per species per 1-degree cell.

Записи данных

Данные этого occurrence ресурса были опубликованы в виде Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), который является стандартным форматом для обмена данными о биоразнообразии в виде набора из одной или нескольких таблиц. Основная таблица данных содержит 124 записей.

Данный экземпляр IPT архивирует данные и таким образом служит хранилищем данных. Данные и метаданные ресурсов доступны для скачивания в разделе Загрузки. В таблице версий перечислены другие версии ресурса, которые были доступны публично, что позволяет отслеживать изменения, внесенные в ресурс с течением времени.


В таблице ниже указаны только опубликованные версии ресурса, которые доступны для свободного скачивания.

Как оформить ссылку

Исследователи должны дать ссылку на эту работу следующим образом:

Evenson J. 2021. Skagit Valley / Wrangel Island Snow Goose. Data downloaded from OBIS-SEAMAP (http://seamap.env.duke.edu/dataset/934) on yyyy-mm-dd originated from Satellite Tracking and Analysis Tool (STAT; http://www.seaturtle.org/tracking/index.shtml?project_id=831).


Исследователи должны соблюдать следующие права:

Публикующей организацией и владельцем прав на данную работу является OBIS-SEAMAP. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC 4.0) License.

Регистрация в GBIF

Этот ресурс был зарегистрирован в GBIF, ему был присвоен следующий UUID: e6667955-ada1-4412-b0f5-e224481688ff.  OBIS-SEAMAP отвечает за публикацию этого ресурса, и зарегистрирован в GBIF как издатель данных при оподдержке Ocean Biodiversity Information System.

Ключевые слова

Occurrence; Observation; Occurrence

Внешние данные

Ресурс также доступен в других форматах

OBIS-SEAMAP Dataset Page http://seamap.env.duke.edu/dataset/934 UTF-8 Interactive map
FGDC Metadata http://seamap.env.duke.edu/dataset/934/xml UTF-8 XML
STAT Project Page http://www.seaturtle.org/tracking/index.shtml?project_id=831 UTF-8 Original web site


Joe Evenson
  • Owner
  • Originator
  • Point Of Contact
Primary contact
Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife
  • Metadata Provider
  • Distributor
Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab, Duke University
A328 LSRC building
27708 Durham
Satellite Tracking and Analysis Tool

Географический охват


Ограничивающие координаты Юг Запад [47,797, -111,803], Север Восток [71,554, 174,15]

Таксономический охват

Scientific names are based on the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS).

Species Chen caerulescens (Blue Goose)

Временной охват

Дата начала / Дата окончания 2013-02-26 / 2019-08-07

Данные проекта

Описание отсутсвует

Название Skagit Valley / Wrangel Island Snow Goose (aggregated per 1-degree cell)
Финансирование NA

Исполнители проекта:

Joe Evenson
  • Owner

Методы сбора


Охват исследования NA

Описание этапа методики:

  1. NA

Данные коллекции

Название коллекции zd_934
Идентификатор коллекции zd_934
Идентификатор родительской коллекции OBIS-SEAMAP

Дополнительные метаданные

marine, harvested by iOBIS

Цель Not available
Альтернативные идентификаторы http://ipt.env.duke.edu/resource?r=zd_934_1deg