
Northern Cyprus 2004: Loggerhead & Green Turtles (aggregated per 1-degree cell)

Dernière version Publié par OBIS-SEAMAP le 24 avril 2021 OBIS-SEAMAP
Date de publication:
24 avril 2021
Publié par:
CC-BY-NC 4.0

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Original provider: Annette Broderick Dataset credits: Data provider Marine Turtle Research Group Originating data center Satellite Tracking and Analysis Tool (STAT) Project partner Marine Turtle Research Group (Annette Broderick, Wayne, Fuller and Brendan Godley)of the University of Exeter, UK, and the Society for the Protection of Turtles in Northern Cyprus (SPoT) Project sponsor or sponsor description Our satellite tracking projects have been supported by Apache Corporation, BP Egypt, British Chelonia Group, Cyprus Turkish Airlines and Natural Environment Research Council. In addition, Liff Primary School have supported the MTCP over many years with their fund-raising efforts. We are now looking for other commercial sponsors and schools/youth groups who might like to join us in the tracking of more turtles in 2005. You can contact us on MTRG@seaturtle.org Abstract: The Marine Turtle Conservation Project is a project of the Marine Turtle Research Group and has been monitoring the nesting beaches of Northern Cyprus since 1992. The project is in collaboration with the Society for the Protection of Turtles in Northern Cyprus (SPoT) and the Department of Environmental Protection. In Northern Cyprus both green and loggerhead turtles nest. Green turtles in the Mediterranean are listed as critically endangered by the IUCN, with estimates suggesting that there are as few as 300-400 females nesting annually in this region. Loggerhead turtles nest in slightly greater numbers, with approximately 2000-3000 females nesting annually. Approximately 30 % of the green and 10% of the loggerhead turtles in the Mediterranean nest in Northern Cyprus. Supplemental information: Visit STAT's project page for additional information. This dataset is a summarized representation of the telemetry locations aggregated per species per 1-degree cell.

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Les chercheurs doivent citer cette ressource comme suit:

Broderick A. 2021. Northern Cyprus 2004: Loggerhead & Green Turtles. Data downloaded from OBIS-SEAMAP (http://seamap.env.duke.edu/dataset/1897) on yyyy-mm-dd originated from Satellite Tracking and Analysis Tool (STAT; http://www.seaturtle.org/tracking/index.shtml?project_id=7).


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L’éditeur et détenteur des droits de cette ressource est OBIS-SEAMAP. Ce travail est sous licence Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0.

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Cette ressource a été enregistrée sur le portail GBIF, et possède l'UUID GBIF suivante : 7d8c41b9-1df1-43e3-a1e7-4648671afd67.  OBIS-SEAMAP publie cette ressource, et est enregistré dans le GBIF comme éditeur de données avec l'approbation du Ocean Biodiversity Information System.


Occurrence; Observation; Occurrence

Données externes

Les données de la ressource sont disponibles dans d'autres formats

OBIS-SEAMAP Dataset Page http://seamap.env.duke.edu/dataset/1897 UTF-8 Interactive map
FGDC Metadata http://seamap.env.duke.edu/dataset/1897/xml UTF-8 XML
STAT Project Page http://www.seaturtle.org/tracking/index.shtml?project_id=7 UTF-8 Original web site


Annette Broderick
  • Propriétaire
  • Créateur
  • Personne De Contact
Primary contact
Marine Turtle Research Group
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
  • Distributeur
Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab, Duke University
A328 LSRC building
27708 Durham
Satellite Tracking and Analysis Tool

Couverture géographique


Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [30,313, 15,481], Nord Est [36,395, 34,102]

Couverture taxonomique

Scientific names are based on the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS).

Species Chelonia mydas (Green Sea Turtle), Caretta caretta (Loggerhead Sea Turtle)

Couverture temporelle

Date de début / Date de fin 2003-07-12 / 2005-07-15

Données sur le projet

Pas de description disponible

Titre Northern Cyprus 2004: Loggerhead & Green Turtles (aggregated per 1-degree cell)
Financement NA

Les personnes impliquées dans le projet:

Annette Broderick
  • Propriétaire

Méthodes d'échantillonnage


Etendue de l'étude NA

Description des étapes de la méthode:

  1. NA

Données de collection

Nom de la collection zd_1897
Identifiant de collection zd_1897
Identifiant de la collection parente OBIS-SEAMAP

Métadonnées additionnelles

marine, harvested by iOBIS

Objet Not available
Identifiants alternatifs http://ipt.env.duke.edu/resource?r=zd_1897_1deg