
Catches or strandings of Balaenoptera omurai

Versão mais recente publicado por OBIS-SEAMAP em 24 de Abril de 2021 OBIS-SEAMAP
Publication date:
24 de Abril de 2021
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CC-BY 4.0

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Original provider: National Research Institute of Far Seas Fisheries Dataset credits: Shiro Wada, National Research Institute of Fisheries Science Masayuki Oishi, Iwate Prefectural Museum Tadasu K. Yamada, National Science Museum Abstract: In the late 1970s eight Balaenoptera specimens of unknown identity were caught in the lower latitudinal Indo-Pacific waters by Japanese research whaling vessels. The combination of the allozyme patterns and physical maturity of the eight specimens separated them from all acknowledged Balaenoptera species. In September 1998 we collected a medium-sized baleen whale carcass on a coastal island in the Sea of Japan. This specimen and the previously collected eight specimens resembled Balaenoptera physalus (fin whale) in external appearance but were much smaller. Comparison of external morphology, osteology and mitochondrial DNA data grouped the nine specimens as a single species but separated them from all known baleen whale species. Therefore, here we describe a new species of Balaenoptera, which is characterized by its unique cranial morphology, its small number of baleen plates, and by its distant molecular relationships with all of its congeners. Our analyses also separated Balaenoptera brydei (Bryde's whale) and Balaenoptera edeni (Eden's whale) into two distinct species, raising the number of known living Balaenoptera species to eight. Purpose: The eight specimens were caught as "Bryde's whales" for the biological investigation under a special permit. Fresh appearance of whole ventral side was provided from a whale on deck of the research vessel. Supplemental information: Data are digitized from the Nature paper. The holotype belongs to the Japanese National Science Museum.

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Pesquisadores deveriam citar esta obra da seguinte maneira:

Wada, S. 2016. Catches or strandings of Balaenoptera omurai. Data downloaded from OBIS-SEAMAP (http://seamap.env.duke.edu/dataset/1341) on yyyy-mm-dd.


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O editor e o detentor dos direitos deste trabalho é OBIS-SEAMAP. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.

GBIF Registration

Este recurso foi registrado no GBIF e atribuído ao seguinte GBIF UUID: d021ecf4-ba32-4e60-b6bb-75deb3b6b2ab.  OBIS-SEAMAP publica este recurso, e está registrado no GBIF como um publicador de dados aprovado por Ocean Biodiversity Information System.


Occurrence,Marine Animal Survey,Marine Biology,Marine mammals,Stranding,Catch,Vessel; Observation; Occurrence

Dados externos

Os dados de recurso também estão disponíveis em outros formatos

OBIS-SEAMAP Dataset Page http://seamap.env.duke.edu/dataset/1341 UTF-8 Interactive map
FGDC Metadata http://seamap.env.duke.edu/dataset/1341/xml UTF-8 XML


Shiro Wada
  • Proprietário
  • Originador
  • Ponto De Contato
Primary contact
National Research Institute of Fisheries Science
  • Provedor Dos Metadados
  • Distribuidor
Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab, Duke University
A328 LSRC building
27708 Durham

Cobertura Geográfica

Pacific,Indian Ocean

Coordenadas delimitadoras Sul Oeste [9,817, 94,483], Norte Leste [34,35, 157,933]

Cobertura Taxonômica

Scientific names are based on the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS).

Espécie Balaenoptera omurai (Omurai's Whale)

Cobertura Temporal

Data Inicial / Data final 1976-10-24 / 1998-11-09

Dados Sobre o Projeto

Nenhuma descrição disponível

Título Catches or strandings of Balaenoptera omurai
Financiamento NA

O pessoal envolvido no projeto:

Shiro Wada
  • Proprietário

Métodos de Amostragem


Área de Estudo NA

Descrição dos passos do método:

  1. NA

Dados de Coleção

Nome da Coleção zd_1341
Identificador da Coleção zd_1341
Identificador da Coleção Parental OBIS-SEAMAP

Metadados Adicionais

marine, harvested by iOBIS

Propósito The eight specimens were caught as "Bryde's whales" for the biological investigation under a special permit. Fresh appearance of whole ventral side was provided from a whale on deck of the research vessel.
Identificadores alternativos http://ipt.env.duke.edu/resource?r=zd_1341