Registros biológicos

SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, PODS 1993, Cruise 1508

Última versión Publicado por OBIS-SEAMAP en 3 de marzo de 2022 OBIS-SEAMAP
Fecha de publicación:
3 de marzo de 2022
Publicado por:
CC0 1.0

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Original provider: NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center (SWFSC) Dataset credits: NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center (SWFSC) Abstract: This 1993 line-transect survey was designed to make abundance estimates of the northern stock of common dolphin, Delphinus delphis, in the eastern Pacific. This stock of dolphin is taken in the tropical tuna fishery. The index of relative abundance for this stock, computed from sightings on tuna vessels, has declined substantially in the last decade. However, because tuna vessels cover only the southern portion of the stock's range, the declines in the index may be due to a northward shift in distribution, rather than an actual decline in abundance. The 1993 survey was designed to produce the first range-wide estimates of abundance for the northern common dolphin and its recently described congener, Delphinus capensis. This survey was conducted by the NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center aboard NOAA Ships McArthur and David Starr Jordan for a combined total of approximately 32,000 kilometers surveyed from late July to early November 1993. This dataset provides the time-date and geographical coordinates, by species/stock, of all cetaceans detected during the survey, as well as the daily and intra-daily start and end points of the line-transect survey by the NOAA Ship McArthur. Purpose: The primary objective of the cruise was to survey the area inhabited by the northern stock of common dolphins, and to make an estimate of its absolute abundance in order to assess the impact of the dolphins killed by the United States and international yellowfin tuna purse seine fleet in the eastern tropical Pacific. Supplemental information: [2021-04-12] Updated with additional attributes. SWFSC MMTD Cruise Number: 1508 Perpendicular distance will be released upon permission by the contributor. Please contact the contributor if needed. Attribute descriptions for effort data: dist: Length of the segment (km) Mode: Effort mode type (C = closing mode; P = passing mode)


Los datos en este recurso de registros biológicos han sido publicados como Archivo Darwin Core(DwC-A), el cual es un formato estándar para compartir datos de biodiversidad como un conjunto de una o más tablas de datos. La tabla de datos del core contiene 652 registros.

Este IPT archiva los datos y, por lo tanto, sirve como repositorio de datos. Los datos y los metadatos del recurso están disponibles para su descarga en la sección descargas. La tabla versiones enumera otras versiones del recurso que se han puesto a disposición del público y permite seguir los cambios realizados en el recurso a lo largo del tiempo.


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¿Cómo referenciar?

Los usuarios deben citar este trabajo de la siguiente manera:

Gerrodette, T. 2004. SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, PODS 1993, Cruise 1508. Data downloaded from OBIS-SEAMAP ( on yyyy-mm-dd.


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El publicador y propietario de los derechos de este trabajo es OBIS-SEAMAP. En la medida de lo posible según la ley, el publicador ha renunciado a todos los derechos sobre estos datos y los ha dedicado al Dominio público (CC0 1.0). Los usuarios pueden copiar, modificar, distribuir y utilizar la obra, incluso con fines comerciales, sin restricciones.

Registro GBIF

Este recurso ha sido registrado en GBIF con el siguiente UUID: e7742aab-883c-49ad-bb12-ddb6dff6129e.  OBIS-SEAMAP publica este recurso y está registrado en GBIF como un publicador de datos avalado por Ocean Biodiversity Information System.

Palabras clave

Occurrence,Vessels,Sightings,Cetaceans,Whales,Dolphins,Delphinus,Population,Abundance,Survey,Census,PODS; Observation; Occurrence

Datos externos

Los datos del recurso también están disponibles en otros formatos

OBIS-SEAMAP Dataset Page UTF-8 Interactive map
FGDC Metadata UTF-8 XML


Jeffrey Moore
  • Propietario
  • Originador
  • Punto De Contacto
Primary contact
Southwest Fisheries Science Center, NOAA
  • Proveedor De Los Metadatos
  • Distribuidor
Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab, Duke University
A328 LSRC building
27708 Durham

Cobertura geográfica

Pacific,California Current,California,Mexico,Gulf of California

Coordenadas límite Latitud Mínima Longitud Mínima [21,034, -130,643], Latitud Máxima Longitud Máxima [41,938, -106,969]

Cobertura taxonómica

Scientific names are based on the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS).

Orden Cetacea (cetaceans), Cetacea (cetaceans), Cetacea (cetaceans), Cetacea (cetaceans), Cetacea (cetaceans)
Suborden Caniformia (pinnipeds)
Familia Hyperoodontidae, Phocidae (earless seals), Cheloniidae (Sea Turtles)
Género Delphinus (common dolphins), Mesoplodon (beaked whales), Balaenoptera (baleen whales), Kogia (pygmy sperm whales), Balaenoptera (baleen whales)
Especie Stenella coeruleoalba (Striped Dolphin), Steno bredanensis (Rough-toothed Dolphin), Delphinus capensis (Long-beaked Common Dolphin), Delphinus delphis (Short-beaked Common Dolphin), Tursiops truncatus (Common Bottlenose Dolphin), Stenella attenuata (Pantropical Spotted Dolphin), Grampus griseus (Risso's Dolphin), Lagenorhynchus obliquidens (Pacific White-sided Dolphin), Lissodelphis borealis (Northern Right Whale Dolphin), Globicephala macrorhynchus (Short-finned Pilot Whale), Orcinus orca (Killer Whale), Phocoena phocoena (Harbor Porpoise), Phocoenoides dalli (Dall's Porpoise), Physeter macrocephalus (Sperm Whale), Kogia breviceps (Pygmy Sperm Whale), Mesoplodon densirostris (Blainville's Beaked Whale), Ziphius cavirostris (Cuvier's Beaked Whale), Berardius bairdii (Baird's Beaked Whale), Balaenoptera acutorostrata (Minke Whale), Balaenoptera edeni (Eden's whale), Balaenoptera borealis (Sei Whale), Balaenoptera physalus (Fin Whale), Balaenoptera musculus (Blue Whale), Megaptera novaeangliae (Humpback Whale), Stenella attenuata (Pantropical Spotted Dolphin), Caretta caretta (Loggerhead Sea Turtle), Callorhinus ursinus (Northern Fur Seal), Lepidochelys olivacea (Olive Ridley), Mirounga angustirostris (Northern Elephant Seal), Zalophus californianus (California Sea Lion)
Subespecie Stenella longirostris orientalis

Cobertura temporal

Fecha Inicial / Fecha Final 1993-07-28 / 1993-11-02

Datos del proyecto

No hay descripción disponible

Título SWFSC Marine Mammal Survey, PODS 1993, Cruise 1508
Fuentes de Financiación NA

Personas asociadas al proyecto:

Jeffrey Moore
  • Propietario

Métodos de muestreo


Área de Estudio NA

Descripción de la metodología paso a paso:

  1. NA

Datos de la colección

Nombre de la Colección zd_213
Identificador de la Colección zd_213
Identificador de la Colección Parental OBIS-SEAMAP

Metadatos adicionales

marine, harvested by iOBIS

Propósito The primary objective of the cruise was to survey the area inhabited by the northern stock of common dolphins, and to make an estimate of its absolute abundance in order to assess the impact of the dolphins killed by the United States and international yellowfin tuna purse seine fleet in the eastern tropical Pacific.
Identificadores alternativos e7742aab-883c-49ad-bb12-ddb6dff6129e